Graduated from dance training and wondering “now what?”
Join our advanced company producing full-length works of art as well as meaningful captivating shorter pieces – some strictly dance, some theatre with dance.
Learn new skills and turn all your skills into art. Grow your artistic voice. Grow creative freedom. Collaborate. Get credit.
Trained dancers, gymnasts, martial artists, athletes, circus artists, theatre artists (actors, costumes, tech), and not-so-trained people with artistic perspectives and passions, if you want to celebrate and advance what’s possible for human culture, if you want to grow skills in contemporary floorwork and/or partner dancing (including advanced contact improv) (in addition to solo and group dancing), send bio / video (contact). Recommended: come to some classes.
We’ve been hired to perform a half-hour show at Hockley Valley Resort. If you wish you can also join us performing in Toronto, Montreal and more.
Jonathon’s work has been funded by the Toronto Arts Council, the Laidlaw Foundation and private donors. When Jonathon and another caregiver created a play with their families about their families — about taking their families through a creative process — it became the feature presentation at conferences + 3 full episodes on CBC TV. ( – Edmonton Journal; “emotional, highly imaginative dance gave the show its power” – NOW.) For more production history, see who.
(With occasional guest facilitation by ODSS dance and drama teacher Michelle Grierson.)