42 events found.
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The Great Escape* / Creating a Community Centre**
Mono Community Centre 754483 Mono Centre Rd, OrangevilleTwo names: one for Toronto people, one for Orangeville/Mono-area people. A whole day of events, most $5-$10 (some free), 7 hours $20. Dance (many styles), Yoga, Music-Making, Invented Sports, Theatre Games, Nature-Loving, Practical Skills, Card Games, Board Games, Circus, and more.
Windrush Estate Winery – Dance Around the World
Windrush Estate Winery 3100 Concession Rd 3, AdjalaAt Canada's most awe-inspiring residence / event venue - Windrush Estate Winery - 4 minutes east of Hockley - “Dance Around the World in 80 Days” is getting a 2-hour "executive summary”. Young? Old? Highly-trained? Never trained? All welcome. Dance Orangeville’s Jonathon Neville will teach a unique lesson that integrates highlights from different dances, giving…
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Free – $35.00